Compact plants ME-MRC for production of  chocolate, compounds e creams: mixing, refining and conching


In the field of production of chocolate, compounds, creams for spreading, ice-creams and biscuits coating, alternative process have reached, in the recent years, levels which give products qualitatively comparable to those obtained by conventional methods, thanks to recent technical-scientific and technological acquisitions and to the use of innovative materials.
Using technological innovation with the goal of improving the quality of the product and the energy saving capabilities, ME.TRA proposes the machine ME-MRC ball mill, in alternative to the traditional lines - mixer, roll refiners and conches - which are extremely cumbersome and expensive with regards to the investment, conduction and energy consumption.














In the ME-MRC version, the chocolate plant is composed as follows:
A. Rapid vertical mixer for raw materials mixing, made of a tank in sheet stainless steel AISI 304, double wall, for heating by water at atmosphere pressure, complete with expansion pot. The mixer is also connected to the water cooling system during the grinding cycle. On the top of the mixer, a heated tank adds the lecithin according to the PLC program.
B. High speed mixing propeller "cowless" type in stainless steel, out of axis versus the central shafts, for the quick homogenization of any type of mixture; hinged upper cover for inspection and raw material loading; protection grid; hot and cold water circulation for mixer and technological pipings, by means of a pump.
C. Gear pump with adjustable speed motor for feeding of the mixture to the mill.

D. Vertical ball mill, composed of a double walled grinding chamber, with thermostatic control also nocturnal, having internal lining, shaft, arms and grinding balls in special alloy with high resistance to mechanical abrasion. Iron surrender to the product < 15 p.p.m. The stirring shaft and arms are hollow in order to allow, during grinding and according to the various cases, the controlled and programmed input of:
- Air/O2
- N2
Air/O2 which have been filtered and sterilized beforehand with the aim, according to the products, of operating in the phases of increase of solid surfaces, in the following conditions:
- in the presence of oxygen to facilitate oxygenation to obtain a real conching effect.
- in inert environments (N2 when needed) in order to prevent the oxygenation.
In the both cases, the advantage is that part of the moisture, together with negative volatile aromatic fractions, is carried outside.

E. Gear pump for transfer of the product after the mill.
G. Control panel with PLC.

As far as the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product are concerned, air injection gives rise to a product which is qualitatively comparable to the products obtained by traditional process. The plant ME-MRC are supplied completely pre-assembled and pre-wired on a platform, with electrical panel of control and command, with setting and signaling of process cycles, via PLC.
The loading of ingredients can be effectuated from the platform, with pre-weighed quantities, or by means of automatic programmable system.
The plant is also available in a continuous version for various hourly capacities.



Chocolate mixing action of "cowless" plate


Air injection into the mill to obtain
the conching effect



BALL-MILL grinder
(1.Filter - 2.Sterilizer - 3.Mill-grinding chamber)